Entries by Amy C. Teeple

FREE is powerful, but dangerous

“Free” is a very effective power word. It grabs your reader’s attention and may even convince him to take that next conversion step. However, if you use “free” incorrectly, it could cost you. Does “free” remove value? I recently witnessed the following scene. A 15-year-old boy uses color ink to print the informational page for […]

Who cares about Passover? Holiday marketing examined

At sundown tonight, Pesach, known in English as Passover, will begin. According to Judaism 101, Passover “is one of the most commonly observed Jewish holidays, even by otherwise non-observant Jews” with 67% of Jews routinely attending a Passover seder, while only 46% belong to a synagogue. Easter is more than a week away (celebrated April […]

Many writers, one voice – it IS possible

Your in-house marketing team may consist of several copywriters … or at least numerous team members who contribute content. Your website may include: Product pages written by your creative team How-to pages written by your tech team About pages written by upper management Blog posts written by members of various departments So how can you […]

Are your complimentary services free? Understanding word choice

During some recent holiday travel, I saw this sign in the San Diego airport. I had to take a picture of it because I wondered how many people asked. “How much does it cost?” before they added the handwritten sign “free.” Who are you trying to reach? A 2012 report indicated that the average reading […]

Content marketing: Madonna or Cyndi Lauper?

I will admit it. I love ’80s music. Born in the early ’70s, I was a pre-teen and teen in the 1980s and loved pop music (or whatever we were calling it back then). Wham!, Bananarama, Corey Hart, Joan Jett, Duran Duran, Pat Benatar, Eurythmics, The Police, Paula Abdul, Prince, Whitney Houston, The Hooters, Squeeze, […]